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Friday, December 25, 2015

New Awakening and Great Reset from Political Correctness

Insider trading will earn you time in prison. Telling people all about your winning weekend at Coney Island won’t get you jail time but it may not strengthen your friendship very much if the listener just lost his shirt playing Black Jack.

There are people we can talk to about certain subjects while other topics are best avoided. Sounds like a recipe for political correctness but it is just the opposite. Wisdom is the antidote for only saying what’s politically appropriate and for saying something just to show that we will not follow the spirit of the age. Being quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger sets us apart to achieve a far greater eternal purpose. 

When I was playing tennis every week, I loved talking about it. It was a shared experience especially with my teenage sons but also with anyone who had an inside appreciation for the game. Compare that to horseback riding. I like horses, but without a strong personal connection to the sport, I can only appreciate it as an outsider. 

Do not be deceived. The guise of political correctness clouds the issue of right and wrong, seeks to censor and make a fool out of anyone who fights it, and is leading to authoritarian demands and persecution. However, forcing others to listen to what we consider indispensable knowledge on any topic is not the way to fight the sinister presence of political correctness. The fact is that the power behind it has already been defeated. Asserting self just serves as oil for the fire. We must be led by the inner voice of God in every circumstance.

The existing social, economic and political landscape across the earth points to the need for a new great awakening that, like the earthquakes coming upon our planet, reflects a tectonic shift.  

In Weakness is Our Strength

It is wise to do what we do well and not to pretend that because we excel in one area, we are an expert in others. In general don’t expect doctors to give financial advice, and do not ask your financial advisor to perform surgery. God’s word wakes us up and gives us life within borders established by God and to expand His blessing exponentially. The amazing thing is how this practically works out in the real world.

An enemy of the nation of Israel in the time of Elijah in the Old Testament looked at the nation and saw water turned to blood. This rallied the Moabites to attack only to be routed by the Jews. Though reality was completely different than their understanding, the enemy could not perceive it. 

Before the Lord fulfilled His word, Israel had no water. Elisha said God would not send rain. Instead, God caused water to flow into the land which provided for the people and their cattle. For people who hear and obey the voice of Christ, God has prepared blessing and protection. To others, those same people of God may appear weak. Though their strength is unseen, it is infinite. 


Great social changes in the past such as voting rights for women and African American men came from lives changed by God’s word, as people shifted from allegiance to self to allegiance to God through Christ. Unfortunately, past awakenings gave way to unprincipled living.

With this new awakening of ultimate allegiance to God comes the ultimate deliverance from every thing that would ever cause our disconnection from our Creator. Denying ourselves and taking up our cross daily unites all of us who in honor of God willingly lay down our lives in obedience to Christ. 

The Anointing of Elijah

More important than gratifying selfish whims is doing what Jesus leads us to do—the ones called by His name know His voice. This wisdom to live comes as Jesus the Messiah Himself strengthens our personal bond with God. His shed blood makes the way for every heart to embrace God’s will because we delight in it. 

It is a blessing to be able to walk through a sea on dry ground while towering impenetrable walls line the way. It is a pleasure to be caught up with the dignity and eminence of the Savior of the world. 

While the hearts of some melt with fear, a place of safety, security, faith, and love very few know about is being built just beyond what they can see. The door is opened and the invitation is going out to come in and join those who are being delivered from fear. 

A place is being prepared for each of us in the heavenly Jerusalem. We just have to claim the home God has prepared for us and tell Him we want what He wants for us. 

Every Tribe, Every Tongue, Every Nation

There is a role in this unseen place for every person on earth whatever country they are from, whatever their native tongue or nation of birth. Great awakening happens deep inside where we become united to God and He infuses us with the same power he used when He raised Christ from dead.

His power overcomes our slavery to fear, frees us from every accusation, fulfills the depths of our being, and destroys the power of death with the never ending power of life, the source of our obedience to the voice of God. 

May each of us be hearing the true voice of Messiah, do His will, and be found faithful. 

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