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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Exposing the Delusion

Read between the Lines the Historic Deal with Iran

No will exists to win the most important concessions such as changing the message of hate and therefore the behavior behind it, so negotiators ignore it (along with non-negotiable lines in the sand conveniently given up) and pretend that the hate rhetoric and the other threats inherent in what’s been conceded don’t exist, that the haters don’t really mean what they say.

Instead, emphasize what we hope the deal could mean though we really know it doesn’t mean that either.

This is Obama’s m.o.

Here’s another example. According to the predominant thinking, approving homosexual marriage doesn’t mean hating or discriminating against Christians. We must protect the rights of the 3% minority and so spread fairness. However, the love of money is the root of all evil. How else but through the seductive power of money could 3% of the population set the course of the United States toward destruction? This is how those who believe a lie change the way people think and believe. For example, people believe that supporting same sex marriage is fair, even though the supreme court decision is paving the way for Christian persecution.

Read between the lines.

This unbelievable philosophy is the spreading delusion of people who choose to believe lies and bury the truth rather than stand for the truth and hold others accountable to it.

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